This is not the time for me to enter politics-Vijay


Wherever Vijay goes, the rasikas are trying to feel his pulse. For questions about his entry into politics, he answers like an elusive fish.

A function to disburse charity measures by the charity wing of Vijay’s fan club was held at Pondicherry. After the distribution of the charity, Vijay got set to answer questions from the fans.

What should India do to become a top power is a question to be aimed at someone like Abdul Kalam , but it was asked of Vijay. "Parents go to so much trouble to educate their kids. The brilliant students go overseas and settle down there. Instead of going abroad, if these people stay here in India and work for ourselves, India could become a top nation to reckon with in 5 years."

Another question was, was he not interested in joining politics?

"I won’t say I’m not interested in politics. I like politics. But I’m not of that age yet. This is not the time for me to enter politics. There is a lot to learn about politics. I have to prepare myself, so I have to think slowly about all these things before entering politics," said Vijay.

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