Trisha has started work on her new film with Kamal Hassan. The untitled film produced by Udayanidhi Stalin is directed by KS Ravikumar. It also has Madhavan and Sangeetha in the cast with music by Devi Sri Prasad.
On Tuesday afternoon Trisha was at DSP’s studio along with Kamal Hassan and a bunch of kids to record “a poetic piece” for the film. It was not a song but a catchy poetic line which would appear in the background.
The buzz is that Trisha herself is likely to dub for the film, for which shooting is to start in Monte Carlo in June. The film is to be shot on a Mediterranean cruiser, and promises to be “the most important film” in Trisha’s career. Tags: trisha,kamal hassan,hot pictures,sexy kollywood actress pictures,kollywood gossips