Most awaited movie Engeyum Kadhal that has Jayam Ravi, Hansika Motwani, Suman and Raju Sundaram has been directed by Prabhu Deva. This movie that was produced by Kalpathi Agoram under the banner AGS Entertainments is being released by Sun Pictures.
Nirav Shah has handled the camera. Harris Jayaraj has composed the music. All the songs happen to be amazing hit since the day of its release. The filming of the entire movie has taken place in France.
Director Prabhu Deva has shot this movie in the spots were not one other films have been shot so far.
Director Prabhu Deva when speaking about this film said," This is a simple romantic story. But the movie script will be innovative and sensational.
This movie will give a new experience to the tamil audience. Each sequence will make the audience eye brow rise. All the songs composed by Harris Jayaraj have come out very well.
We have also shown the difference in choreography in all these song sequences." This Movie which is released by Sun Pictures on May 6th