Rajinikanth has expressed his desire to join Anna Hazare’s movement to fight corruption. Film personalities, youngsters and people from all walks of life are all supporting the efforts made by the 80 year old Anna Hazare these days as they want to do away with the widespread corruption.
It may be remembered that Anna held an indefinite fast some days ago demanding that the Central Government should pass the Lok Pal Bill which was tabled in the Parliament three decades ago. If this Bill is passed, corruption in India will be controlled with independent powers to prosecute the corrupters of the country.
Rajini has said that corruption has become the norm of the day and it should be curbed at all costs. Also after the voting, Rajini said he wants a stable government and to put an end to raise in prices! Well with the latest troubles about him caught on cameras while casting his vote, which is said to be for AIADMK these statements about his support for Anna Hazare to eradicate corruption seems like a good thought!