Rajinikanth’s ‘Rana’ commenced today as announced. After the customary pooja at the Ganesh Temple inside the AVM Studios premises, ace director Panju Arunachalam clapped the board while Rm Veerappan switched on the camera and Iyakkunar Sigaram K Balachander directed the first shot at around 9:45 am.
Those present at this event were Rajini’s wife Latha, daughter Aishwarya Dhanush, Muktha Srinivasan, KRG, SP Muthuraman, RC Shakthi, R Thiagarajan, Kavignar Vaali, AVM Saravanan, Ram Kumar Sivaji, Prabhu, RB Choudhuray, P Vasu, Suresh Krissna, Cho Ramasamy, SA Chandrasekar, Sundaram, Raghuram and others.
‘Rana’ under K.S.Ravikumar’s direction, stars Rajini, Deepika Padukone, Ileana, Sonu Sood and others. Music is by AR Rahman and lyrics are being penned by Vairamuthu.