Actress Anushka will make a cameo appearance in Karthi's Saguni, directed by a debutant Shankar Dayal, one-time assistant to director Ezhil. The actress recently shot the movie. It was a one day shoot, which Anushka did for free as a friendly gesture. Interestingly, Saguni is Karthi's first political entertainer and is touted to be a complete action flick. Pranitha will play the female lead and Radikaa Sarathkumar will be seen on the big screen after a long time. Reportedly the film narrates the life of a young village graduate who comes to Chennai for job. A sudden turn of events makes him to enter politics.
At times when heroes mouth punch dialogues and bash the goons single handedly, here comes Karthi's Saguni which doesn't have any villains. "Karthi’s role is a tricky one, which has grey shades to it but eventually, everything he does benefits the common man," the director was quoted saying.
Director Shankar Dayal has recently revealed that unlike other political flicks, leading lady Pranitha will have equal importance in the film. He also said that the heroine is part of the script and will not have a blink-and-miss appearance. Now the latest buzz is that Karthi's character in Saguni will have shades of Nira Radia (from the 2G scam) but in a positive way. The film is likely to grace theatres for Pongal 2012.