Kollywood actress Nayanthara and director Vignesh Shivan got married a month back. There was news that the OTT platform Netflix Nayantara And Vignesh is about to stream Shivan’s wedding.The latest report states that OTT platform Netflix has refused to stream the wedding of Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan. It is being said that Netflix has backed out of the commitment because Vignesh recently shared some pictures of his wedding on his one-month anniversary.
According to reports, Nayan and Wikki did not spend a penny on their wedding. Netflix has taken care of all the expenses of the couple’s wedding. These expenses also include booking rooms in a five-star hotel in Mahabalipuram. Along with this, the Glass Palace was also built on the beach. For the wedding ceremony, arrangements were made for Rs 3500 per plate of food, an expensive makeup artist, and security guards from Mumbai.